Other sources include pulse oximetry as their fifth sign. However, some doctors have noted that pain is actually a subjective symptom, not an objective sign, and therefore object to this classification. For example, the Veterans Administration made this their policy in 1999. The phrase 'fifth vital sign' usually refers to pain, as perceived by the patient on a Pain scale of 1-10. Though a pulse can often be taken by hand, a stethoscope may be required for a patient with a very weak pulse. The equipment needed is a thermometer, a sphygmomanometer, and a watch. patient vital signs, blood pressure monitor hospital, welch allyn cvsm, welch allyn monitor spot, blood pressure cuff pulse oximeter, hospital vital signs, vital signs lxi, tools equipment and paraphernalia for taking vital sign, blood pressure machines used in hospitals, spot vitals, portable medical. Temperature examination for normal temperature. There are four vital signs which are standard in most medical settings.
Vital signs are an essential part of a case presentation. They may offer clues to the health or condition of an individual who is being examined.
Vital signs are often taken by health professionals in order to assess the most basic body functions.